Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Healing Haiti Trip // Conclusion [Brittany]

Hey friends and family,

It's Brittany again - and I am overwhelmed with gratitude, joy, and excitement coming out of the last 5 days. Our trip to Haiti was incredible, and it's hard to transition into the "Okay. We're back. Now what?" mentality that comes with re-entry after an experience like the one we just had. 

First of all, THANK YOU for your prayers. These prayers were evident as we watched our anxiety fade into curiosity, and then curiosity grow into excitement for the future. Insight trips like this week are intended to change you. They're intended to stretch and push you, and then shift your mind into a space of actively asking, "What does this mean for me? How will my life be different now than it was before I left? I've seen these harsh realities of poverty... so now what? What can I do to help?"

Maybe after reading our emails, you're wondering what you can do to help, or how our experience can continue to impact the lives of those in Haiti. As you've read all week, organizations like Healing Haiti are doing amazing work to begin transforming lives throughout the country. Through job creation, education, and health + wellness development, communities and families are being changed. Healing Haiti's newest endeavor is Hope Clinic, located right in the heart of Cité Soleil.

Currently, there is virtually zero access to medical care in Cité Soleil. Every single child we encountered on water truck day had parasites, and even basic medical knowledge is non-existent (i.e.: don't drink the water you bathe in, or how to take care of an open wound so it doesn't get infected). Hope Clinic is going to change that. With our help, Hope Clinic can LITERALLY save lives... and get this - an entire medical facility, with functioning, like-new equipment, all supplies, and staff salaries can be funded for a full year on only $50,000. 

An entire water truck costs only $5 to fill. That's just $5 (just one Starbucks run) to provide clean water for an entire community for several days. I say that because EVERY. LITTLE. BIT. COUNTS. No amount of generosity is too small or too insignificant. Dollars and cents add up FAST in a community like Haiti. 

If you feel called to do something about the emails you've read this week, if your heart has been tugged and you've been wanting and waiting to act - this is a phenomenal opportunity that will truly be a game changer in the Cité Soleil community. More information, as well as the info to donate can be found here. I also encourage you to check out the video in the link above. If you have any questions, or if you feel led to act in a different way (go on your own trip to Haiti, etc.), please let me know!!!!! I am happy to discuss any ideas in even further detail. 

You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for sticking with us this week. We love you all!!


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